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Usage Of block.timestamp


In Solidity, the block.timestamp variable returns the timestamp of the current block in Unix epoch time. While it is commonly used for time-based conditions and can be useful for certain use cases, relying solely on block.timestamp for critical functionality can create vulnerabilities in smart contracts. Attackers can manipulate the block timestamp value by up to 15 seconds in either direction, which can be enough time to exploit contracts that rely on it.

Example Code

Here is an example of code that relies on block.timestamp for critical functionality:

pragma solidity 0.8.9;

contract TimeBasedContract {
uint256 public deadline;

constructor(uint256 _duration) {
deadline = block.timestamp + _duration;

function isExpired() public view returns(bool) {
return block.timestamp >= deadline;

In this example, a contract is created with a deadline based on the current block timestamp plus a specified duration. The isExpired() function returns true if the current block timestamp is greater than or equal to the deadline.


To avoid vulnerabilities related to block.timestamp, it is recommended to use alternative time sources or combine block.timestamp with other variables or conditions to prevent manipulation by attackers. One common approach is to use a trusted external time oracle, such as an off-chain service, to retrieve the current time. This can help prevent manipulation by attackers and ensure more accurate time-based functionality.

Another approach is to use a combination of block and transaction information in addition to block.timestamp to create a unique and difficult-to-manipulate value. This can be done by including the blockhash of the previous block, the current block's coinbase address, and the current transaction's gasprice and origin addresses.

bytes32 uniqueValue = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
blockhash(block.number - 1),

By incorporating these additional variables, the value becomes less predictable and less susceptible to manipulation.

In general, it is important to carefully consider the use of block.timestamp in smart contracts and to use additional safeguards to prevent vulnerabilities related to timestamp manipulation.