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Control Loop Iterations to Avoid Out-of-Gas Errors


In Solidity, using loops with increasing counters that are not properly controlled can lead to out-of-gas errors. This happens because each iteration of the loop consumes a certain amount of gas, and if the loop is too long, it can consume all the available gas in the transaction and result in a failure.

One common situation where this issue can occur is when adding elements to an array or list. If the loop that checks the existing elements to avoid duplicates is not properly controlled, it can grow indefinitely and cause a failure.

Example Code

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Example {
uint256[] public myArray;

function addElement(uint256 element) public {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
if (myArray[i] == element) {
return; // element already exists
myArray.push(element); // add element

In the above function, the addElement function adds an element to the myArray array if it doesn't already exist. However, the loop that checks for existing elements is not properly controlled, and it can grow indefinitely if the array contains a large number of elements.


To avoid long loops in Solidity, one solution is to control the gas usage of the loop and break it if the remaining gas is not enough to perform another iteration. This can be done using the gasleft() function, which returns the amount of gas remaining for the current transaction.

Here's an updated version of the addElement function that controls the gas usage of the loop:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Example {
uint256[] public myArray;

function addElement(uint256 element) public {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
if (myArray[i] == element) {
return; // element already exists
// check remaining gas and break loop if necessary
if (gasleft() < 50000) {
revert("Not enough gas to complete the operation.");
myArray.push(element); // add element

In the updated function, we added a gas check at the end of each loop iteration. If the remaining gas is less than 50,000, the function reverts with an error message. This ensures that the loop is properly controlled and won't consume too much gas.


When using loops in Solidity, always make sure to control the gas usage and avoid infinite loops. Use the gasleft() function to check the remaining gas and break the loop if necessary. Also, consider using more efficient data structures or algorithms if you need to handle large amounts of data.