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Division By Zero


The "Division By Zero" vulnerability occurs when a Solidity smart contract attempts to divide a number by zero. This can result in unexpected and unintended behavior, including errors, incorrect results, and even contract failures.

Solidity does not allow division by zero, and attempting to divide by zero will cause the contract to revert. However, it is possible to accidentally introduce a division by zero bug in a smart contract. For example, if a contract uses a variable that may be zero in a calculation, and that variable is not properly validated, the contract may attempt to divide by zero.

Example Code

Here is an example of a contract that contains a "Division By Zero" vulnerability:

contract MyContract {
uint256 public numerator;
uint256 public denominator;

function divide() public view returns (uint256) {
return numerator / denominator;

In this example, the divide function attempts to divide the numerator variable by the denominator variable. If the denominator variable is set to zero, the contract will revert.


To avoid the "Division By Zero" vulnerability, Solidity developers should always ensure that their contracts properly validate all inputs and state variables before performing calculations that involve division. This includes checking that any denominators used in division calculations are not zero before attempting the division.

One way to prevent division by zero errors is to use a require statement to validate that the denominator is non-zero before attempting the division. For example:

function divide() public view returns (uint256) {
require(denominator != 0, "Division by zero");
return numerator / denominator;

By adding this require statement, the contract will revert if the denominator is zero, preventing a division by zero error.

Solidity developers should also thoroughly test their contracts to ensure that they are properly validating all inputs and state variables to prevent the "Division By Zero" vulnerability.