📄️ Get Function Signature
In Solidity, function names are not included in the compiled bytecode. Instead, they are hashed using the Keccak-256 algorithm and the resulting hash is stored in the bytecode as the function signature. Developers can retrieve the function signature for a specific function using the web3.sha3() function in Python.
📄️ Create Raw Transactions
We can create raw transactions on brownie and predict their transaction hash without sending them.
📄️ Create Signature (v,r,s)
In Ethereum, a signature is used to prove that a user has authorized a specific transaction or message. The signature is composed of three values: v, r, and s, which are combined to create a 65-byte array.
📄️ Extract Metadata From Bytecode
There could be a metadata on the deployed bytecode. The current version of the Solidity compiler usually adds the following to the end of the deployed bytecode
📄️ Get Storage Layout
The Solidity documentation already provides an explanation of the Layout of State Variables in Storage. In order to further clarify this concept, I will provide a few examples to demonstrate how we can achieve the same result in Solidity. To do so, I will use the example contract provided in the documentation with a few modifications. I will add a dynamic array and a one-dimensional map to the existing contract.
📄️ Using abi.encode() & abi.encodePacked() & keccak256()
* abi.encode(): This is a built-in Solidity function that allows developers to pack together one or more Solidity values into a tightly packed byte array. abi.encode() automatically includes padding and metadata in the byte array to ensure that it conforms to the Solidity ABI. The packed byte array can be useful for various purposes, such as generating unique identifiers for specific objects or creating hashes of multiple variables. Developers can then use abi.decode() in external applications, such as Python scripts, to decode the packed byte array and recover the original Solidity values.